How To Engage Customers In Retail Stores?
-— STORIES MEET AND VIOLATE THE LISTENERS EXPECTATIONS Remember a good crime story, maybe a detective tv series? It goes…
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27 Secs But – Oh, So Many – Options
-Last year the Omnibus team has done the unique research. By using RFID technology we – anonymously, of course! -…
A Proper Test For Category Management 2.0
-Imagine tens of thousands of elements with different features. How do you manage and organize them? Especially, when the sets…
Improve ROI On Your In-Store Merchandising Budget
-THE COMMUNICATION NOISE While a typical grocery supermarket at any given moment holds up to 50.000 different products, a typical…
Nakupne misije
-Okej, vsi vemo, da moramo poznati svoje kupce. Zato jih segmentiramo. Toda pregledane množice podatkov včasih – kar pogosto, prepogosto…