The Thin Line to Retail Success: Insights from AI Expert
-In today’s competitive landscape, AI presents an opportunity as much as a pitfall for any physical retailer. In this part…
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How to Reinvent Category Management in AI Times
-How will megatrends reshape category management? Special emphasis on AI in retail. Fierce competitive battles, disruptive forces and diminished profitability call for changes in retail category management. Revitalize, reinvent, reingeneer Category Management and turn iron clad into a vital force of future-proof retailing.
Leverage Destination Categories to Increase Store Traffic
-The number of store visitors – the footfall in physical stores – is a crucial success driver of every retail…
Category management ne prime več – in sedaj?
-Daljnega 2019. sem na konferenci Prodaja na policah spregovoril o tem, da category management, kakor smo ga poznali v zadnjih…
Efficient Retail Floor Space Management 2.0 (Macroplanning)
-The way retailers organize and arrange product categories within their floor space crucially impacts customer shopping behaviour.
In 2022, a commisioned project gave us opportunity to test bolder hypotheses for store layouts. We combined data science & workshops specially designed for store remodeling.
Result? The pilot grocery store became the most rapidly growing grocery store in the whole network of our partner retailer.
#vzvodi za prepričljive prodajne prostore
-PROSTORSKI VZVODI ZA PREPRIČLJIVE IN USPEŠNE PRODAJNE PROSTORE Uspešno upravljanje s prodajnim prostorom je eden od ključev uspeha vsakega prodajnega…
Generacije – povezane inovacije in optimizacije
-Letnik 1974. Večno mlad. Golf. Zgornji slajd je vzet iz Omnibus predavanja na temo razvoja novih produktov za množično uporabo.…
Category management ne prime več – in sedaj?
-Lani sem na konferenci Prodaja na policah spregovoril o tem, da category management, kakor smo ga poznali v zadnjih tridesetih…
Okretni category management – Cat Man 2.0
-Category management je v 1990. postal sijoča zvezda na področju trgovine. Trgovec, ki je želel z enim zamahom izboljšati učinek…
SWOT Analysis – A Springboard for Succesful Projects
-Some things are so simple, yet efficient that they are destined to stay around. Like the game of noughts &…
A Proper Test For Category Management 2.0
-Imagine tens of thousands of elements with different features. How do you manage and organize them? Especially, when the sets…
Fewer Products More Buys
-We now know – or better, have all the means available to know – that less could be much more,…