In-Store Customer Decision Making
-Customer decision tree is a powerful tool for retailers. It allows them to better understand customer behaviour and optimize the shopping experience. Machine learning can inform the proccess with striking new capacities, but there is also a trap. Past data must be complemented with creative insights.
By combining machine learning with creative input, retailers can reach new levels of assortment optimizations, store layouts innovation and overall customer satisfaction.Read more128 -
Cut Down Your Assortment Babies!
-In writing one of the adages says: »Kill your babies!« Means you have to relentlessly cut down the particular scenes…
Choice – Danger Of Option Paralysis
-Mark Mechelse of the VP Insights has just recently published the Linkedin article Reinventing Retail: Average is Over! Key takeaway:…
7 Things We Regularly Do in Supermarkets (as told by the Shopping Carts)
-Picture yourself in the supermarket store. You are approaching a 12-pack of milk or a 24-bottles crate of beer or…
Fewer Products More Buys
-We now know – or better, have all the means available to know – that less could be much more,…
Colors, fragrances and product positioning
-(from an interview with Radio SLO 1) Question: And every color in stores has its role, isn’t that so? So,…